What is that you love doing after school? Do you know that you can productively use this time as it an important aspect that helps to shape your future? Couples of years back, extra-curricular activities were the singular source of entertainment. But now with the launch of televisions, smartphones, computers and play stations, all this is reducing. Extra-curricular activities are increasingly reducing because of a high sedentary lifestyle. It can have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of students. They are a vital component of your school application and you should always opt for any activity which you like the most. For developing an active and healthy lifestyle you should pursue extra-curricular activities. First, it is paramount for you to first understand what does it mean and how should you use them. What is an extracurricular activity? These are the activities that fall outside the scope of your routine curriculum. It can be anything that is needed for high school credit or paid employment. They are above and beyond your school needs. Playing with friends on weekends are not extracurricular activities, you need to give regular time and take initiative for it. Such as if you love playing cricket then do regular practice and join the school team or any other team. It should be an activity that shows your talent or contributes value to people. The best thing is that you can turn any interest into extracurricular activity, for example, if you love taking care of your skin that is your interest but if you start a YouTube channel for skincare that is an extracurricular activity. Importance of Extra curriculum activities

Academic Performance improves: It has been observed that students who participate in an extra-curriculum activity they get better grades. It is because they learn numerous skills from various activities such as managing time, organizational skills and also improves self-confidence. Social Skills: Getting involved in activities outside school helps them meet new people with whom they can share interests and learn from them too. It helps students in expanding their network and exchanging their thoughts and views. The major benefit is that they also get to know about people from different regions and cultures which helps in increasing their knowledge and acceptance about them.

Explore interests and create a broader perspective: Participating in various activities allows you to explore multiple interests and also unveils passion you never knew you had. It also diversifies your interests and broadens your view. Essential Life Skills: The utmost importance of these activities are that they teach you real-world skills such as goal setting, leadership, teamwork, public speaking, time management, problem-solving, prioritization and much more. The more you inculcate in these activities the more you would develop these skills.

As you know the importance of extra-curriculum activities in your life, now it’s time to know some of the best options that you can choose from. In this list, there are numerous kinds of extracurricular activities that are made after research to match your interests. Thus, there is a little something for everyone-

List of Impressive Extracurricular Activities

1) Math Clubs

If you are a math lover and plan on making your career in engineering or any other professional fields then this can be the best option for you. By joining a math club you can acquire high-grade knowledge and skills. The best thing about joining such clubs is that you get to learn new skills and techniques of doing things plus you gain an edge over other students. This also helps you in participating in various quiz and contents on state and national level both.

2) The Debate Team

The best thing about joining a debate team is that it keeps you updated on current issues of today. It brings confidence as you have to keep your opinion on what you think is right. Additionally, it makes you outspoken and teaches you how to prove your point and also listen to others. It not only makes you a good speaker but you also become a good listener too. Students that participate in the debate are outspoken as it helps in overcoming shyness and stage fright. It also helps you in gaining insights on an array of issues, thus you will learn skills that are substantial for your career such as putting your point across without hurting other’s sentiments.

3) Toastmasters

It is an international club that helps develop speaking, improving grammar, vocabulary and leadership skills. Speaking in toastmasters inculcates public speaking and increases confidence in you which helps in eliminating stage fright in you completely. They also provide you with certificates as per your abilities which can be helpful for you in the future. It helps inbuilt self-confidence in you and people love to hear people who are confident in what they say and how they say it. One good thing about joining this club is that you become a good listener, you start speaking to entertain and inspire, become a more effective communicator and much more. Hence, if you have an interest in English and becoming a good communicator then you should join this club.

4) Poetry Club

Joining a poetry club would not only make you a better writer but can also improve your day more than you think. You can get a lot of inspiration by joining a poetry club plus by reading poetry you learn metaphors and phrases which are creative and can be used as a punch line in any group discussions. Thus, if you want to become a writer or have an interest in reading then you can also join poetry club as it enhances your knowledge and broadens your horizon. Meeting a lot of poets would open you up to various types of poetry and vital subject matters.

5) Cricket

This might sound interesting to you as it is one of the most popular games in India. Joining a cricket club can open doors to an excellent career and wealth. The benefit of joining a cricket club is that firstly, you learn the techniques well as there would be a coach to tell you everything about the game in detail. Secondly, you also get an opportunity to play for the national and international level if you get selected in the team. Thus, if you want to pursue it as your career then it is paramount for you to join the cricket club.

6) Martial Arts

Joining martial arts is great as a sport and also as a form of self-defense. The major benefits of joining this club are it provides you with a great self –support, improves your athleticism, enhances your focus and stillness and gets you in shape. In today’s time, it has become important to defend yourself from criminals and anti-social elements for that it is vital for you to learn martial arts. Thus if you want to stay healthy and physically fit too, then it is a great option for you to choose it as your extra-curriculum activity.

7) Astronomy Clubs

Astronomy is more than stargazing, joining an astronomy club would learn the movement of planets and stars, know about galaxies, nebulae and much more hidden wonders of space. Thus, if you have even a little interest in astronomy, then you can join the club. You can also pursue it as a career in the future as it is a very diverse field ranging from aerospace and energy to medicine and industry. Here you would learn new information on how the universe works and many more such aspects. Thus, it can be a great extra-curriculum activity which is both interesting and knowledgeable.

8) Culture Clubs

Joining culture clubs can be a great learning and exposure for you. There are a lot of advantages of joining this club such as it helps in growing social connections as you meet new people and establish relationships which can help you in the near future. It gives you a great platform for presenting your communication, leadership and interpersonal skills. Such clubs promote diversity and culture, thus it would demonstrate your willingness to learn about and accept other’s cultures and points of view. It would also inculcate the strength of character in you, to speak up for what you think is right.

9) The Student Newspaper

You can also work as a reporter or contributor to your school or college magazine. Whether it is a student newspaper or any other form being published is a great accomplishment. The major benefit of opting for this as your extra-curriculum activity is that it would improve your writing skills a lot and would also help you if you want to pursue something in media. You can also launch an online newsletter for both teachers and students by taking the help of other classmates; this would inculcate leadership skills in you and also enhance your English language skills.

10) Story Telling Competition

Children have an inner love for stories. There are a lot of clubs that conduct storytelling competitions and the benefit of opting for this as your extra-curriculum activity is that you have to write your own stories, which not only increases your writing skills but it also helps children in considering new ideas. It brings out creativity and also offers insights into different traditions and values. It is a great way of sharing your experience in an expressive way. Storytelling increases confidence, communication, and writing skills, increases verbal proficiency, enhances listening skills, encourages active participation plus eradicates stage fear.

11) Yoga and meditation

21 June is International Yoga Day and a lot of schools also take classes for Yoga and Meditation. There are a lot of health benefits associated with Yoga and meditation such as it increases flexibility, reduces weight, it also inspires you to become a conscious eater and much more. If you plan to become a yoga instructor in the future or a gym instructor then joining this can be of great advantage to you. The major advantage of doing Yoga for students is that it improves the concentration and helps to retain better. Also, it helps you improve your immune system functionality which keeps you healthy and active.

12) Volunteer Work and Community Service

You must be thinking that how you can show your passion for doing community service? Yes, you can do it by joining any community center, for example, if you love cricket, then coach your little league team. If you love painting, you can volunteer at ant local children center to help them with their artwork and so on. Also Read: What is an NGO – Non-Governmental Organization? By doing this you can not only practice but also teach others the same thing which would for sure enhance your skills too. There is an array of ways to apply whatever you love in helping out your community.

13) Animation

In today’s time students require more brain stimulation as they can learn easily with visual content. If you are creative and love using technology then this can be one of the best extra-curriculum activities for you. Learning or doing an animation course in your free time can also help you in pursuing it as your career. Students can also develop great communication skills, interest in technology and even presentation skills when they learn animation. It helps in increasing their imagination as they get a lot of exposure and get a platform to express their thoughts in a creative and expressive manner.

14) General Knowledge and Quiz Contests

You must have seen a lot of quiz contests happening in your school, college, online or on T.V shows. In fact, there are few radio stations too which conduct quiz contests where you just need to call and answer to win the prizes. Quiz contests are one of the best ways of improving your knowledge. You are also given certificates for winning this competition which can help when you apply for jobs after completing your education. Also, a lot of teachers say that studies become more effective after the quiz, as it helps students to identify what they know and what they don’t know.

15) Philately

You must be wondering what does this mean? It is a hobby of collecting postage stamps and other postal stuff. There are a lot of schools that have philatelic clubs, it gives a platform to students for displaying and exchanging stamps with other collectors. Sorting stamps and building a collection needs more sustained focus as understanding the intricacies of a tiny image printed and learning why that image was printed not only increases knowledge but also develops a lot of patience and focus in you. The good thing is that you are spending your time learning the history and culture of every place in the world, which accumulates a lot of organized expert knowledge.

16) Athletics

It is one of the best way of showcasing leadership skills, teamwork along with improving your physical fitness. It is a great way to present your important traits, this way you not only show your talent but also forge close relationships with others in the team. Another good thing that you can learn from this extra-curriculum activity is that you can learn time management as practice for games leaves less time for studying, thus they learn management skills by completing all their work accordingly. They learn when they have to practice and what time do they need to give to their school work.

17) Numismatics & Notaphily

It is the activity of collecting coins and other currency notes. There are a lot of people who love collecting foreign currency and especially those which are unique and rare. There are a lot of benefits of this extra-curriculum activity as it not only increases your collection but also teaches you discipline and perseverance. As you need to select, organize and arrange collection into albums which utilizes your spare time. The more disciplined and diligent you are, more solid would be your collection. It also increases your knowledge as you learn about different currencies, their year and the history related to it.

18) National Service Scheme

This activity is available in various schools and colleges, in this, you have to volunteer for numerous exciting and educating activities. The main aim of NSS is education by community services. It is a great platform to train you to become a good leader and decision-makers. Joining them can help you gain a rich and meaningful educational experience. It also helps in personality development as you meet a lot of people; attend orientation camps and seminars, help in blood donation camps and much. This is a great way of learning by helping others. NSS is sponsored by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports where you get a platform to help and empathize with the poor and underprivileged people living in slums and villages.

19) German Club

There are a lot of schools these days who teach students an extra language as it opens up new opportunities and enhances your job prospects. German is a renowned language particularly in terms of business and politics. Thus, there are a lot of translators are required which means pursuing this as an extra-curriculum activity can help you a lot in your career. If you are well versed with other languages then it becomes easier for you to understand people better rather than just communicating in English with your tour guide. It also adds an opportunity for you to join the tourism industry. Thus, if you have an interest in learning a different language then German can be a great option

20) National Cadet Corps

It is a highly reputed body and all the students above 13 years can join NCC as an extra-curriculum activity. It has two divisions, one is for juniors and the other is for senior students. It is also a second line of defense; they also get a special quota which is beneficial if you want to join armed forces. Also Read: Top 20 Online Shopping Sites for Discounted Products in India It is a great platform where you can lean honesty, discipline, hard work, selflessness, confidence, survival techniques, camping and leadership qualities. It is the most recommended extra-curriculum activity as it is beneficial in developing essential life skills that everyone should be aware of. How to Choose the Extracurricular activities from the list? Extra-curriculum activities are one of the best ways of enriching your educational experience if you choose the right one for yourself. Here are some of the tips on how to select the best one from the list for you

Brainstorm: Try to analyze your interests first, whether you like dancing, drawing, cricket, athletics, etc. It does not matter what you choose but what matters is choose anything that you are passionate about. Thus, make a list of all your interests and then from the list choose the one which you think is perfect for you. Explore activities that you enjoy and make the most of it: Initially, you should always join the club or activity which you enjoy and are passionate about. There can be times when initially you love doing it but then you lose interest, if that happens you can always switch to some other option that you think you are good at. Increase your impact in a few activities: Do not try and put your hands in all the activities that you like, in fact, it is important to spend ample of time in one activity and then move on to other. Remember that you should select the activities that would help you make a significant impact either in personal or community development. If there is no organization center’s for something you love, start your own: First, you need to do proper research and see if it is available in your school, college or in your community. If you find that there is no such club then you can feel proud of starting a group of your own.

Conclusion There were some of the best extra-curriculum activities which you can choose from but the list is never-ending. One of the major factors that you should consider is join anything that you like but ensure that instead of using mobile-phones for gaming and entertainment, inculcate yourself in any of these activities as they are a major factor which defines the line between success and failure as a student and in life both.

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