Last year Google’s parent company Alphabet reported a profit of US$ 46 billion on revenues of US$ 75 Billion. If you convert that to Rupees it means a profit of more than Rs 3,00,000 Crores! Now that’s a lot of money and entrepreneurs like you could easily earn a regular income from home by enrolling in any of  Google’s offerings. If you run a blog or have the technical skills to develop a mobile application, this is the time to exploit these new opportunities to make money online. We have already published several guides on how to work from home along with a list of new ways to earn money on the Internet.

The Mission Statement That Defines Google

To quote directly from Google’s website, its mission is to analyze and structure the world’s knowledge and make it universally accessible and insightful. Google has become an important source of income source for freelancers from across the globe. There are lakhs of bloggers from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh who depend on Google for their livelihoods. It is fairly easy to earn large amounts from the system if you figure out how it works. Given below is an explanation of four important Google products you can start using immediately to earn in dollars.


Earnings from Adsense is easy and it is used by lakhs of Indian publishers. Before you sign up for Adsense, you will need to setup up a website by creating a new domain name or sign up for a free blog on websites like or After the blog has been set up write about interesting topics revolving around travel, business, software, marketing, and any other personal experiences. Once you start getting visitors to your blog you can then sign up for an Adsense account. Google then evaluates your website to determine if it meets the high-quality standards it expects. This process could take anything from 48 hours to an entire week. After your account is approved you can start displaying advertisements. There are many Indian bloggers who earn more than 1 lakh every month by displaying Adsense widgets on their blogs.

Sign Up As A Search Engine Evaluator

Google uses algorithms to evaluate the results that Search Engines throw up. The downside is that the results are not error-free and need human interference to refine the result. It is the human touch that determines the usefulness and quality of the results. This is a precursor to creating better and more complex algorithms that can search faster and with more relevance. Mostly available on a contractual basis, the payout is quite acceptable at US$ 12-15 ( Rs 1000) per day. If you take into consideration that you can work from home, with no commute and other related expenses, it seems quite attractive. You can easily earn Rs 30,000 per month by signing up for this program. If however you do not like working from home you can still opt to become an entrepreneur and start a business with a minimum investment of Rs 2 Lakh.

Build A Mobile Application And Publish It On Google Play

The Google App Engine is a dream come true for mobile application builders. You can build scalable mobile applications with back-ends easily on this platform. The App Engine has built-in services like NoSQL, Memcache, and a user authentication API. The App engine does not require you to provision or maintain expensive servers. It scales the App automatically in response to the traction it generates. You only need to pay for the resources used to publish your application. It is a great way to earn revenue with minimum investment. Your earnings will depend on the number of installs and active users you manage to sign up. It is estimated that app developers can earn around US$ 2 (Rs 120) for every thousand active users in a day who use your application. Google also has a free course where anyone can learn to build a mobile app for the Android platform without knowing any programming.

Google News

Google News gets more than 350 million visitors from around the globe every month. If your website is listed in Google news you can get a small share of this visitor traffic. Many news publishers have become millionaires only by using Google News. During the US Elections held last year, teenagers from Macedonia were earning as much as US$ 7000 per month by publishing news about the presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. These are four avenues to get work from Google. Do you know of any other better alternatives? Do lend your voice to the discussion in the comments section below.

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