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The Microfinance Distance Learning Course was designed for new entrants to the field of microfinance and has appealed to a broad range of people, including policymakers, donors, practitioners, academics, and students. The staff of microfinance operations has found this course extremely useful – a chance to step back and see how their work fits into global microfinance initiatives. Through the self-training online tool, new staff of agencies working in development or staff engaged in other fields are able to expand their knowledge of microfinance as an important part of efforts to fight poverty and contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. The University of Washington has even offered the CDRom/textbook-based version as a graduate-level course, sponsored by the Evans School of Public Affairs.
The course curriculum is delivered through a user-friendly, interactive, and attractively presented interface. Using the main menu as a road map, an expert narrator guides the student through eleven modules. Case studies come alive as customers talk about microfinance services and products. Students interview staff members, the board, and management of different microfinance institutions to assess the institutional strengths and challenges for growth. Exercises and computer graphics make financial statements easy to understand and analyze.