This five-day residential program will provide a crash course in leading a successful socient enterprise. It will focus on how microfinance and social entrepreneurship can empower people and enhance livelihoods, resulting in social and economic mobility. The course has been devised by socient Associates, a Boston-based consultancy, in partnership with Hand In Hand, an international institution specializing in enterprise creation and microfinance. It combines the latest theoretical developments with Hand In Hand India’s on-the-ground expertise and includes practical field visits in the key bottom-of-the-pyramid market of Tamil Nadu. Dates: 22 – 26 AUGUST 2011 Location: Great Lakes Institute of Management near Chennai, India Course Leader: Professor V Kasturi Rangan, Harvard Business School Cost of the Course: US$ 2000. The cost includes all accommodation, meals, training, and course materials. Course Details Participants will experience a combination of classroom-based learning and field visits to get a comprehensive overview of the strategic, organizational, and leadership issues associated with social enterprise. With reference to Hand In Hand’s unique approach, the programme’s modules will help participants understand:

What knowledge and tools are needed for successful social entrepreneurship. How business training can tie in with the provision of microfinance services. How microfinance institutions can increase revenue while better serving clients. How NGOs can best partner with people who receive credit. How enterprise creation and microfinance should deliver lasting impact.

About Hand In Hand Over the past seven years, Hand in Hand has worked with 600,000 women in developing countries and helped create some 560,000 enterprises. The Hand In Hand approach was developed by Dr. Kalpana Sankar and her team of development experts in partnership with Percy Barnevik, the Swedish business leader. It combines the provision of microfinance services with in-depth business and skills training. The key to our success is that we don’t simply send people away with money; we ensure that businesses are created and lives improved in the long term. About Prof. Kasturi Rangan (co-founder of socient Associates) Harvard Business School Professor Kasturi Rangan has extensive experience in business marketing and management. He has researched, taught, and published articles on non-profit management, marketing, and microfinance at Harvard and is the founding co-chair of the HBS Social Enterprise Initiative. He is also co-chair of the HBS-ACCION program on Strategic Leadership for Microfinance. About Sohel Karim (co-founder of socient Associates) Sohel Karim is Managing Partner of socient Associates. He has over 20 years of consulting experience and has worked closely with senior management in both for-profit and non-profit organizations. Sohel’s background includes doctoral work at Harvard Business School with publications in leading management journals such as Harvard Business Review. About the course Five fast-paced days will combine case studies, presentations, and group exercises with field visits to Hand in Hand’s operations. The curriculum explores key issues in the sector, including how to:

Define mission and goals. Develop an appropriate strategy. Build an organization capable of delivering results to your stakeholders. Create jobs at the bottom of the pyramid. Grow your organization and move towards sustainability. Develop metrics to monitor progress. Create a learning organization.

The programme is set in Chennai, India. The cost includes all accommodation, meals, training and course materials.