In India, because of the poor management of records, ownership issues, and land disputes have arisen at significant rates. But, as access to technology is increasing, the Indian government has started to take steps such as digitizing everything, which includes land records management as well as property registration process. This helps a property buyer to verify and access the property or all land records with a single click of a button. One of the very important steps includes the steer clear of any dishonest transaction. This year, in March itself, in about 192 villages out of approx 224 villages of Delhi, the Delhi Government has digitized the land records. As per the revenue department, some more villages will be included once the problems that are making it difficult to computerize land records of about 32 villages are resolved. In the public domain, the RoR or digitally signed records of rights are accessible 24X7, and these can be downloaded by citizens anywhere and anytime.
What is referred by Land Records?
Land Records is a wide umbrella that includes disputed cases register, mutation register, registration of lands, tenancy and crop inspection register, Records of Rights (RoRs), etc. Apart from this, there is also geological information that includes facts about the soil type of the land, size, and shape of the land. The economic information is also present, which is often related to crops and irrigation. The National Land Records Modernization Programme, which is now called DILRMP or the Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme, was launched by the central government in August 2008. This program talks about the computerization of all of the land records including digitization of maps and integration of textual and spatial data, mutations, survey or resurvey, updating all settlement and survey records which also include computerization of registration and its integration with the land records maintenance system, creation of original cadastral records wherever necessary, development of core GIS or Geospatial Information System and capacity building. Many states in India, such as Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Odisha, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh have digitized their land records. The Delhi Land Record Online has covered information of about 1, 80,000, and about 78,000 properties have been registered online.
How To Check Property Or Land Records Online In India
Let’s proceed with an example. Given below is an address in Delhi: Khata No. 10, Asalatpur, khawad, Kapashera, South West Delhi, New Delhi The First Step for the individual is to visit the official website of the Land Records Department of his/her state. As given in the example, the state is Delhi, so the individual needs to visit the page of Land Records Department of Delhi. The Second Step includes the selection of the subdivision or District where the land is situated. As you can see in the provided example, the land is in Kapashera area of Southwest in Delhi. The Third Step includes the selection of village or tehsil, which in the provided example is Asalat Purkhawad. After this, the individual needs to select the Khata type. In most of the cases, Bhumidars are the landholders. The landowners of the category of Bhumidar have heritable, transferable, and permanent rights to their holdings. The category of sub-tenants or tenants is called Asami, who has held land from the Gaon Samaj. Their rights are non-transferable and non-permanent but heritable. In the Fourth Step, the individual can search for other details by seeking help from the name of the owner or Khasra Number. In the provided example, it is Khata Number 10. In the Fifth Step, the individual needs to click on the Khata Details and view them so that the individual can get the necessary details, which include the area of the land, the Khasra Number, and the portion of land held by each owner. Remarks of the property being leased or if any loan is undertaken are also mentioned under a different section. There is also a gift deed; now, a gift deed is a document that signifies the voluntary transfer of property without any monetary exchange. Let’s take another example of checking records online in Maharashtra
The individual needs to visit the official site of Maharashtra land record. The individual needs to select demographic information like District. Select Tehsil or Taluka Select Village Enter Name of the Owner or Survey Number
The individual can take a printout of the same record. Though this printout is for information purposes only and the individual cannot issue this printout as a record for legal purposes. Also Read: Section 80EEA – Income Tax Deduction for Interest on Home Loan
The benefits of digitizing land records
Easier availability to land information: With the help of the online database, people altogether do not need to visit revenue offices personally. This database will help individuals to view land records of the property and its legal status online. People can now easily check the status of the land with the help of maps that help in showing the ground situation, and the issues can be raised in case of any discrepancies.
Create Transparency: The new system aims for the implementation of a land titling system, which will also include title guarantee so that the land records can be protected and can be made tamper-proof, which further avoids litigations and disputes. The main objective also includes providing the citizens with the appropriate and proper information on land under a single window with the assurance of data integrity. Frauds and encumbrances in the issuance of copies will also be cross-checked. Easy Maintenance: The digitization reduces the chances of the grievance, which are usually caused by the delays. It also helps in ensuring updates and smooth maintenance in the land databases.
Points to Remember The different kinds of details which are mentioned under the online records are:
Measurement of the land parcel Name of the present owner with a registered address Land use pattern, specifying if the land is residential, agricultural, passage, wasteland, government-owned, commercial plot or village land Any land-use conversion that has taken place Government orders issued concerning the land Transaction related to land or Land transfers Loan released on/against the land or Mortgage applicable
Recommended: House Rent Allowance Exemption Rules Online land records are periodically updated. Tehsil Office helps in attesting the documents that otherwise are not able to serve as valid documents which can be produced in the court as evidence. The authorized copies are easily available from the Tehsil Office or the concerned Revenue Department, through the payment of a nominal fee or a formal application. So as you see you can easily access or check property or land records online with the help of the above guide. But if you still have some questions about land or property records then feel free to ask them in the comment section.