Almost all of his wealth is created from his online ventures such as KISSmetrics, Crazy Egg, his consulting gigs, and more. Forbes says Neil is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies.  Not only that, Neil was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations. So how did Neil put it off at the age of just 35 years? Let’s find out some of the amazing facts about Neil Patel along with the things that contributed to his online success.

Who is Neil Patel?

Neil Patel is an SEO expert and a marketing wizard. He’s a New York Times bestselling author of “Hustle: The Power to Charge Your Life with Money, Meaning, and Momentum”. From speaking at Facebook and Thomson Reuters, Neil Patel has spoken at over 310 conferences and companies around the world. Neil Patel biography:

Neil Patel’s Age: 35 years old Birth Date: 24 April 1985 Birth Place: London, United Kingdom Nationality: British Status: Married

Neil Patel in Numbers:

His marketing blog generates over 4 million visitors per month (51% of them spend money on paid ads) His “Marketing School” podcast generates over 1 million listens per month His YouTube channel about marketing and SEO has over 33 million views and 802,000+ subscribers, 1+ million Facebook fans, and 377,000 Twitter followers.

So are you curious to find what things contributed to Neil Patel’s success? Want to know how Neil Patel net worth was able to go from $0 to $30 million? Let’s find out.

Top 10 Incredible Lessons to Learn from Neil Patel 

1. Mastering SEO can make you a millionaire

Neil Patel is a millionaire. He’s also known as the “SEO Guru”. SEO is the #1 reason Neil Patel net worth is over 30 million dollars. He launched a ton of successful online ventures like ‘Crazy Egg,’ ‘Hello Bar,’ and ‘KISSmetrics (and sold some of them).  Thanks to his amazing SEO skills. He also speaks worldwide (so far spoken at over 300 speaking conferences worldwide) on how to bring more traffic and revenues to websites online. What can we learn from his success?  ‎I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. – Bruce Lee What Bruce Lee meant was “specializing in ONE thing” is more powerful than trying 1000 other things. Neil Patel knew that and became an expert in ONE thing: Search Engine Optimization. He knows how to generate more traffic from search engines like Google.  He knows how to rank for some of the most difficult keywords in his industry. That’s why he was able to grow so many million-dollar companies online. For instance, if you search for “affiliate marketing”, guess who shows up on the top of Google search? As you can see, “affiliate marketing” is a competitive keyword as shows over 657 million results in Google search for that keyword term. Yet, Neil ranks #1 for that keyword in Google. Currently, his website ranks #1 for over 4000 keywords. As you can see above, we pulled the data from Semrush (which is our favorite SEO tool used by over 6 million people). The data shows that Neil is ranking in the first position of Google for over 4000 keywords. That’s incredible! Neil knows how to do SEO like a pro. That’s why he’s generating so much search traffic which ultimately increases his overall net worth. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur like Neil Patel, make sure to focus on ONE thing. Learn how to become an expert in that one thing.  

2. SEO is a race, not a sprint

SEO is a race, not a sprint – Neil Patel In 2006, Neil Patel launched his first blog “ProNet Advertising” which mostly covered social media content. Here’s what it looked like: Quick note: The blog Pronet Advertising no longer exists now! In 2007, Neil launched another blog called QuickSprout which mostly talked about online marketing and SEO. Since 2006, Neil has been sharing, learning, and implementing a ton of SEO techniques.  Neil’s QuickSprout blog gets a TON of traffic especially from search engines like Google. In fact, in one of his blog posts, Neil revealed that QuickSprout generated over 500,000 monthly visitors. Quick Sprout eventually grew to a point where it was generating over 500,000 visitors a month and Neil Patel partnered with a few people to turn it into an SEO software company. As you can see above, it takes time to grow your search traffic. Neil Patel rightly said, SEO is not a sprint, it’s a marathon race.  What can you learn from it? If there’s one thing you should know about search engine optimization, it is this: SEO takes time. It takes years to get a decent amount of organic traffic.  SEO is not going to give you instant results. So if you’re someone who’s looking to build thousands of backlinks overnight to boost your organic traffic, stay away from SEO.  Did you know that we generated only 3000 visitors in the first year of launching our blog BloggersPassion? As you can see above, that’s a screenshot of the total traffic we generated to BloggersPassion in the year 2010. You can read our BloggersPassion journey to find more details. Did we give up? No.  We now generate a ton of traffic to our site. In fact, most of the traffic comes from Google. That’s the reason why our blog generates more than $10,000 in passive income every single month. If you want to succeed in SEO, give it some time as search traffic takes time. Once you start creating great content and build quality links, you’ll start seeing huge traffic from Google.

3. Neil gives back a lot to the world

Over the last couple of years, Neil has been making free marketing tools such as Ubersuggest and Subscribers. Although these tools have paid options but anyone can use those marketing tools completely for free.  For instance, you can use Ubersuggest for free by just signing up with your Gmail account. Similarly, you can use his other marketing tool “Subscribers” completely for free up to 200 subscribers. In fact, Ubersuggest was available for free for several years. Neil introduced premium pricing plans (that are still affordable for most people) later once he decided to compete with other SEO tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, and more. What can you learn from it? Once you’re successful and start making money, give away resources for free. Free is a powerful word in the marketing world. You can attract a lot of people with freebies. You don’t have to create fancy stuff or million-dollar projects like Ubersuggest to give away for free (like Neil Patel). But you can definitely run giveaways, free eBooks, videos, and more to give something back to the community. 

4. Neil is incredibly consistent 

Did you know that Neil Patel’s blog has around 5000 blog posts? Neil started in August 2014 and has been posting something on his blog consistently since then. From Pronet Advertising to Quick Sprout to, he mostly published content about marketing. Just on, he published 4,868 posts which ultimately teaches us the importance of “being consistent”. So what can you learn from it? Be consistent like Neil. Even though his online ventures like Crazy Egg, KISSmetrics were generating millions every year, Neil never stopped blogging regularly. That’s the reason why he’s successful. Google loves blogs that publish FRESH and QUALITY content regularly.  To be consistent like Neil, just get 1% better every day. According to James Clear, if you get 1% better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done. As you can see above, in the beginning, there is basically no difference between making a choice that is 1% better or 1% worse.  But as time goes on, it adds up and gives you tremendous results. 

5. Neil Patel is a New York Times bestselling author

Whether you know it or not, Neil Patel is an NYT bestselling author. In 2016, Neil Patel published a book titled “Hustle: The Power to Charge Your Life with Money, Meaning, and Momentum”. His book “Hustle” is a New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and IndieBound bestseller. In this book, Neil along with other co-authors reveals their groundbreaking 3-part framework of Heart, Head, and Habits. You will learn to redefine hustle as the optimal path to ultimate success in life and business. If you’re an entrepreneur, you should definitely check this out. What can you learn from it? Once people start recognizing your name and brand, it’s a smart idea to write a book.  Self-publishing a book is the best way to grow your brand online.  Once your book is ready, you can use your brand and existing online connections to promote it on social media, email lists, paid ads, and more to reach a wider audience. 

6. Neil creates useful YouTube videos (3 times a week!)

Neil Patel runs a YouTube channel under the same “Neil Patel” where he published more than 650 videos. His YouTube channel mostly covers the following topics.

Increasing your Google search rankings How to do keyword research How to do competitor analysis How to use SEO tools like a pro Digital marketing related videos and more

The best part about his channel is that he publishes three times a week on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.  He has been posting 3 times a week on his YouTube channel since the launch of his channel (4 years ago).  So what can you learn from Neil’s YouTube success? We already discussed the importance of consistency in the marketing world. Neil is consistent with his YouTube vlog posting schedule as he publishes new videos three times a week.  YouTube loves those channels that consistently create new videos. After all, YouTube wants people to spend more time on their site. By creating regular videos on your channel, you’ll definitely attract more views, subscribers, likes, and so on. You can also learn and implement a few YouTube SEO strategies to grow your channel and get more traffic from YouTube to your site. A YouTube ranking factors study by Backlinko found that longer videos (more than 15 minutes) outperformed shorter videos in YouTube search.  So if you want to succeed in YouTube, be consistent and create 15+ minute videos. 

7. His content is extremely detailed

Neil Patel produces in-depth articles. Almost every single article that he publishes on his blog will be over 3000 to 5000 words.  If you’re blogging for a while, you might already know that search engines like Google loves long-form content. His in-depth content is the primary reason why most of his content ranks well in Google. He also published over 10,000 and 20,000-word long pieces of content on his other blog “QuickSprout”. All those massive articles and guides helped his blog to generate better results in terms of search traffic, sales and conversions. What can you learn from it? SEO experts like Brian Dean spend more than 20 hours on a post.  Even we spend A LOT of time to create every single post on BloggersPassion. In fact, this case study on Neil Patel net worth alone took around 20 hours to finish (from research to writing to editing).  If you want great results from blogging, you should spend more time creating great content.  And yes… creating in-depth content takes time. But it gives you amazing results in the long run.  Long-form of content attracts more social shares, backlinks, comments, and search traffic. Remember, writing one amazing blog post is better than publishing 10 mediocre posts. Try to create content that covers A to Z information. Also, add a lot of visuals to make it appealing to the readers. 

8. Neil is a content-producing machine

Neil Patel publishes a lot of content on his blog  Also, Neil Patel produces a lot of content on various platforms such as;

Publishes guest posts on major publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, etc Gives interviews for others (including video interviews, podcast interviews, text form of interviews) Runs a marketing podcast. You can host your podcast on a bunch of different platforms like, or Does regular videos on YouTube (thrice a week) Creates content for his ebooks, courses, and more Also, sends frequent newsletters to a ton of his followers

So yes, we can say Neil is a content-producing machine. He’s one of the very few bloggers who creates so much content consistently for over a decade now. What can we learn from it? It’s obvious that Neil can’t do it all alone. He has an amazing team. Although he publishes content in his own name, he must have access to a team who will create new content, edit and promote it across his networks. So if you’re planning to become a content marketing guru like Neil, learn how to outsource your stuff. If possible, hire a team. Invest money into growing your blog, podcast, or YouTube channel. Whatever you earn online, try to reinvest that into growing your online ventures as you can spend money on content marketing, SEO, email marketing, social media, and more.

9. Neil knows how to make money online

Making money blogging as a beginner is not rocket science.  Still, most people fail to make even $100 from blogging. Neil Patel knows how to make a ton of money from his expertise and SEO skills. Currently, Neil is making money from in the following ways;

Consulting (he often promotes his consulting page to attract high-paying clients) Affiliate marketing (he also uses affiliate links to earn money from his blog) Ubersuggest (his Ubersuggest premium pricing plans start at $12/month)

Apart from the above, Neil also makes money from sponsorships, paid networks, and brand collaborations.  What can we learn from it? Once you have a successful blog that generates a ton of traffic, it’s a lot easier to make money from it. Our blog BloggersPassion makes over $10,000 every single month mostly from affiliate marketing. If you’re someone who’s looking to monetize your blog or website, we recommend the following strategies. Sell affiliate products: Affiliate marketing is a billion-dollar industry and there are a ton of people who earn passive income from selling other affiliate products.  Have a look at the following earning report. As you can see above, we generated more than $313,000 just from selling one affiliate product. That’s the power of affiliate marketing as you can make a living online. There are plenty of best affiliate programs you can pick to promote relevant affiliate products to your target audience.  You can use your own website or use YouTube to promote affiliate products to make money online. You can also read this post to increase your affiliate sales even if you’re a beginner. Sell your own products: You can also sell your own products. Neil Patel sells Ubersuggest as a premium SEO tool to his audience. You can sell something like eBooks, online courses, themes, plugins, or whatever that suits your target audience’s needs. Start small. Consistently improve your products. Create great content around products so others will understand how your products can benefit them. That’s how you improve your own product sales.  At BloggersPassion, we’re already selling our own products (3 premium eBooks) that cover SEO and affiliate marketing topics. You can also check out our premium eBooks to find out how you can also create such products to make money from blogging. Offer services: Neil offers “consulting” as a service to make huge money from his website. Similarly, you can also try offering services from your blog if you want to make money fast. There are a wide range of services you can offer to your audience including;

Freelance writing SEO services such as link building, outreach, keyword research, and more Content marketing Email marketing WordPress related services

You can also check out these incredible online business ideas to make money online with little to zero investment. 

10. He hosts an amazing marketing podcast

Neil Patel runs an informative marketing podcast called “Marketing School” along with another successful marketer Eric Siu.  It’s a highly successful marketing podcast that brings you 10 minutes of actionable marketing advice every single day.  With over 35 million downloads and 1400 episodes, you’ll find almost everything that’s related to online marketing that helps you grow faster.  You can find all his podcasts from here or you can also find his marketing podcasts on other platforms including Spotify, iTunes, Soundcloud, and more.  What can you learn from it? His marketing genius can be discovered on his podcast as well as unlike others, he launched an exclusive website to host his podcast.  And… he’s offering two premium subscription plans for his podcast which are listed below. Marketing School Pro Silver Plan: You can start your free trial of 14 days for only paying $1 and you’ll get access to the following things.

Subscriber-only content – exclusive interviews, recordings Subscriber-only Ask Me Anything (AMA) podcasts + access to AMA page to submit questions Comprehensive monthly podcast show notes Ad-free episodes Facebook group Exclusive discount codes for products we like

Marketing School Pro Gold Plan: You can start your free trial of 14 days for only paying $1 and you’ll get access to the following things.

Private Mastermind Recordings: Sam Ovens, Brian Dean, Ryan Levesque, April Dunford, Roland Frasier, and more. Private Facebook Community Lifetime access to the following courses: Agency Accelerator, A-Player Hiring Blueprint, SEO and Content Marketing Course by Eric Siu ($2,990 Value) Private Q&A Podcasts Monthly Show Notes 1,500+ Ad-Free Episodes Exclusive Discount Codes

Even if you’re running a podcast or YouTube channel, you can use similar tactics to monetize your channel or podcast. You can introduce premium content to your audience by offering free trials and monthly subscription plans. If you provide high-quality content for free, people will definitely pay for your premium content. That’s why there are so many people like Ramit Sethi, Pat Flynn, etc earn millions of dollars selling their online courses.  Few More Net Worth Posts:

Russell Brunson Net Worth: Lessons to Learn From a Legend Jack Ma Net Worth: 10 Life-Changing Lessons From Alibaba Founder Ramit Sethi Net Worth: 10 Brilliant Lessons to Learn from Ramit’s Success Guy Kawasaki Net Worth: Top Lessons to Learn from His Success Tim Ferriss Net Worth: Lessons to Learn from NYT Best-Selling Author Seth Godin Net Worth: How he went from $0 to over $50 million? PewDiePie Net Worth: How He Became the #1 Most-Subscribed YouTuber? MrBeast Net Worth 2023: How MrBeast Gained 125 Plus Million Subscribers

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Neil Patel and his online ventures.

Final Thoughts

Neil Patel’s net worth went from zero to over $30 million dollars in just a few years. All credit goes to his SEO and marketing skills. He’s also active on his blog, social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and more. – Neil Patel on YouTube– Neil Patel on Facebook– Neil Patel on Twitter

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If there’s only one thing you can learn from Patel, it’d be this: “Work REALLY hard, HUSTLE every SINGLE DAY”. So what are your thoughts about Neil Patel’s success story? Do you have any questions? Let us know in the comments.